Date : 19-20 Sep, 2025

Venue : Accra International Conference Center, Accra Ghana
Agro Process Pack Ghana is a collocated event with Agritech West Africa in Ghana, a platform for processing & packaging technology and material industries & enterprises to meet the Ghanaian and West African Manufacturers and value adding industries to meet, introduce and discuss new technologies innovations products and materials.
Manufacturing units
People Employed
$6Bn +
Manufacturing GDP
1D1F Scheme
Targeting factories in 216 districts.


  • Manufacturing GDP of Ghana is highest in the region touching GHS28bn ($6.1bn) in 2017, up from GHS23.9bn ($5.2bn), roughly 12% in 2017.
  • The One District One Factory initiative by government brings exciting prospects for the industrialization of the economy. This policy, among others would establish a factory in each of the 216 districts in Ghana and would build strong value chains around key industries such as automobiles and other high value products for exports.
  • Most of the establishments were located in the Greater Accra and Ashanti regions; Greater Accra had 25.7% of establishments and 27.9% of employees while Ashanti had 24.7% of establishments and 24.3% of employees.
  • Food Processing industry is one of the major manufacturing industriesin Ghana and West Africa is expected to grow by around 20% annually between 2020-2025 with domestic food processing and packaging in cocoa based and fruit-based industry expected to increase production and processing capacity
  • Ghanaian’s spend about 41% of their income on food and beverages. In 2013, total sales of packaged foods were US$ 1,276 million.
  • The Food Packaging Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4% during the forecast period 2017-2023.Consumer packaged goods are expected to boost their market value in the coming years by CAGRs of between 13% and 16%
  • SMEs (Small to Medium Scale enterprises) form the major chunk of food processing industry in Ghana and West Africa: 85% of employment and contribute 70% to Ghana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Majority of the food industries are located in Accra and Tema.
  • Other than food processing sector; pharmaceuticals, metal chemical wood textiles and construction materials are other manufacturing industries which are gaining prominence in Ghana and West Africa region to meet the substantial domestic demand.


  • Rapid urbanization and an evolving middle class have triggered food consumption patterns and demand for convenient and quality foods/ pack food
  • With urban lifestyle and standard of living getting better, the demand for FMCG and processed food through formal markets and super markets, is increasing exponentially
  • With government attention for expanding the food processing capacity and growth of domestic sector for self-sufficiency, food security, employment creation and exports, the private players and MNCs are also focusing tapping the market, particularly in the resource-based food processing sector.


Processing Technology - Food Processing Machinery, Bottling Technology, Brewing and Beverage Technology, Cosmetic & Personal Care Processing, Dairy & Liquid Processing, Confectionery Equipment, Fish & Seafood Processing Technology, Meat, Processing, Aseptic Processing, Canning & Can Making, Production, Machinery, Food Safety & Hygiene Technology, Pharmaceutical Processing, Automation and Robotics, Laboratory, Testing & Measurement Equipment.
Packaging Machinery &Equipment’s – Food / Beverages / Cosmetic / Pharma, Packaging Machinery, Coding, Marking, Labelling, Aseptic Packaging, PET & Plastics, Packaging Technologies, Paper & Corrugated Box Making Technology.
Packaging Material & Consumables - Flexible Packaging Technology, Packaging (Cardboard, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Paper, Wood), & Consumables.
Allied Items &Service - Facilities Equipment, Systems and Supplies, Logistics & Production Facility Equipment, Materials Handling, Logistics & Storage Equipment, Measurement & Weighing, Packaging Accessories, Palletizing and Conveying Equipment, Quality Control, Refrigeration Systems / Cold Storage/ Air Conditioning, Service Companies, Solids and Bulk Handling, Trade Publications, Waste Management & Environmental Technology

For More Details and Bookings, please contact

Mr. Thomas James
Project Director
Mob: +91 9311783733
